Slewing ring Liebherr 982751301 Slewing ring Liebherr 982751301


Part number 933816501
Innengravur KUD 94 VJ 003


Basic information and dimensions
Part no. 933816501
outer diameter 1355
Holes in outer ring 40 x Ø26
gear teeth Innen
number of teeth 92

Diese Kugeldrehverbindung passt zu folgenden Baugeräte:

P934 PONT 735, R934 B EW 1424, R934 B EW 925, R934 B HDS 923, R934 B HDS 924, R934 B HDSL 1074, R934 B HDSL 923, R934 B HDSL 924, R934 B SHD 926, R934 B VHHD 975, R934 C EW 027, R934 C HDS 016, R934 C HDSL 1088, R934 C HDSL 918, R934 C LC 1337, R934 C LC 1375, R934 C LC 1439, R934 C NLC 1335, R934 C SHD 023, R934 C VHHD 033, R934 EW 1424, R934 EW 649, R934 HDS 647, R934 HDS 648, R934 HDS 731, R934 HDS 923, R934 HDSL 648, R934 HDSL 731, R934 HDSL 924, R934 V 700, R934 VH HD 975, A934 B Litronic 934, A934 B Litronic 935, A934 C Litronic 1006, A934 C Litronic 1007, A934 C Litronic 1053, A934 C Litronic 1418, A934 C Litronic 1419, A934 C Litronic 1498, A934 C Litronic 1499, A934 Litronic 712, A934 Litronic 713, LH40 C 1211, LH40 C 1527, LH40 M 1202, LH40 M 1215, LH50 M 1203, LH50 M 1216, LH50 MHR 1203, LH50 MT 1221, LH50 MT 1474, R934 IND 1440

  • Condition NEW!
  • 1 year warranty
  • Installation and maintenance instruction
  • Worldwide export

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