Slewing ring Liebherr 932833001Slewing ring Liebherr 932833001


Part number 932833001, KUD VJ 003 001


Basic information and dimensions
Part no. 932833001
outer diameter 1215
Holes in outer ring 48 x Ø22
gear teeth Innen
number of teeth 94

Diese Kugeldrehverbindung passt zu folgenden Baugeräte:

A914 C Litronic 1044, A914 C Litronic 1045, A914 Litronic 671, A914 Litronic 672, A914 Litronic 673, A924 1180, A924 1206, A924 B Litronic 957, A924 C Litronic 1047, A924 C Litronic 1048, A924 C Litronic 1049, A924 C Litronic 1050, A924 C Litronic 1051, A924 C Litronic 1305, A924 C Litronic 1313, A924 HL 1206, A924 Litronic 674, A924 Litronic 675, A924 Litronic 687, A924 Litronic 709, A928 1181, LH30 C 1210, LH30 C 1526, LH30 M 1200, LH30 M 1253, LH35 M 1201, LH35 M 1254, LH35 MT 1220, LH35 MT 1473, P924 C Litronic 1292, P914 C HDSL 1062, P924 C HDSL 1066, P924 Compact 1055, P924 OBW 1066, R914 C HDL 1063, R914 C HDS 1065, R914 C HDSL 1062, R914 C HDSL 1063, R914 C HDSL 1064, R914 C HDSL 1065, R914 HDSL 1062, R924 C 1066, R924 C EW 1069, R924 C HDSL 1066, R924 C HDSL 1067, R924 C HDSL 1068, R924 C VDHD 1136, R924 C VHHD 1136, R924 C VH 1174, R924 Compact 1055, R924 Compact 1056, R924 Compact 198, R924 Compact 911

  • Condition NEW!
  • 1 year warranty
  • Installation and maintenance instruction
  • Worldwide export

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